Mother's Day is the Worst for Dads! 5 Easy Gifts She WILL LOVE -

Guess what YOU. Yes, you daddy have to get the mother of your child/children a gift for Mother's Day (in addition to getting your mother a gift too)!

Here are some great & easy ideas because we at Labor of Love Birth Services have your back! And yes, there will be another blog like this for YOU on Father's Day!!!!!

1. Get her Flowers - Now, I know that this sounds too easy and any bouquet will be appreciated but let's take it a step further (because that is just the person you are) & get flowers for every room. She won't be expecting that and it will make her feel so special which is the reason for all this fuss, right?

2. Take the Kids to Your Parents - Something easy & simple, even if it is not Mother's Day. Surprise her with a date unannounced! Just come home and say that the kids are taken care of and you would like to show her a night on the town! Of course, if she is a control freak and HATES the idea of an unplanned night out, skip this idea, you know her best.

3. Have You & the Kids Pamper Her - Get the children in on it and make breakfast in bed, plan a massage from all of you, a manicure and pedicure (the children will love this and it will be a great memory even if it is not pretty).

4. Wash Her Car - Now, as a mother of two I can attest to this, my car is a mess! I mean a HUGE MESS! Like many moms, our car is the last thing on the list to take care of. So, really get that car detailed. Take the car seats out and have it vacuumed, oiled, maybe even waxed!! Get every cheerio, crumb and sticky mess scrubbed. Have all the remnants of Trader Joe's stickers removed from all the windows. Return that car to her unrecognizable!!

5. Give Her a Gift Card & Alone Time - Find her favorite store; Nordstrom, Anthropologie, No Rest For Bridget (defiantly NOT Target!!) And, gift her some cash at the store, along with a coffee and the afternoon free - ALL TO HERSELF!

Remember, Mother's Day is a great opportunity to say:

"Thank you for being the mother of my children. For the sacrifice of growing my babies in your belly for 9+ months, for birthing my baby and then nurturing them for the rest of your life. Thank you for making my life long friends, loves and grey hair makers. Thank you so much for making me a daddy!"

We hope that this helps dads! And moms:

Happiest of Mother's Days to you!


Labor of Love Birth Services
