Time for Change

We are super excited to announce a small but important change to our business and brand.
Labor of Love Birth Services is changing its name to Labor of Love Birth & Postpartum!
While birth is a major part of the services we provide it only reflects half of our commitment to our clients & community. Our mission is to offer comprehensive care from baby in belly to baby in arms.
Birth is just the beginning!
Labor of Love has been working hard at creating a village for our clients, community & family. A village of support for your entire journey. So it has come to our attention that we need to highlight our extended services to truly encompass all that we offer.
As you know we offer the following for Orange County expecting families:
Childbirth education to better understand the process & connect as a family to your birth experience.
Breastfeeding classes to prepare for the arrival of your baby.
Birth doula support for emotional & physical BIRTH-day care.
Placenta services adding to your postpartum recovery.
Postpartum kits to support healing quickly from birth.
Postpartum doula support for in home, one on one, intimate newborn care & recovery.
Breastfeeding consultations to help you achieve your breastfeeding goals.
Comprehensive care comes with a whole team & village. Our goal is a smooth transition into parenthood.

We will slowly phase out our old beloved Labor of Love Birth Services logo as we replace our business material. It will take sometime so for now you will see us working under both names; Labor of Love Birth Services & Labor of Love Birth & Postpartum.
Thank you for your loyalty & support!
From all of us at Labor of Love Birth & Postpartum