The Impact of Trauma-Informed Care on Childbirth: Why It Matters
Discover the significance of trauma-informed childbirth care and how it affects your birth experience.

Birth: Its Life Lessons from a Doula
Birth is the space in which I work. It encompasses my daily life, I talk about it, write about it, teach it, study it, think about it...

Debunking & Demystifying Conception After 35
Currently, around the world, the average age for first time mothers is 31.

HindSight is 2020
They say that hind sight is 2020 and as the year comes to a close the clarity 2020 has brought us is plentiful!!

Body, Mind & Soul: How to Cope with Pregnancy Insomnia
When expecting, the running joke and basis for almost all unsolicited advice is;

Hippy Dippy Doula - Not Just for Unmedicated Home Births!
There is a large misconception that as doulas we only support alternative, out of hospital birthing;

How to Say Goodbye: Letting Go of Good-Byes
When the time comes to say good-bye, to really anything, what is your initial response?
Do you gravitate towards love and abundance?

Postpartum Self Care: Body, Mind & Soul During Postpartum
As a birth professional for the last 9 years we have come to understand that our homes are only as healthy as the mother

A Brave New World
Life is challenging and in the challenge there is much change. We must let the change come and embrace the new.
For we are entering a brave

You CAN'T Fail at Birth; however, your childbirth class CAN fail you!
You can't fail in BIRTH!!