5 Tips for a VBAC
Do you want a VBAC?
No Small Secret About Birth
Want to know a secret about birth?
Women don’t let their babies out unless they feel safe!!
The Bag of Honesty: The BEST baby shower gift you can give!
Who doesn't love attending the baby shower of a beloved mom-to-be?!
Are We There Yet?
This is exactly what a labor doula does for your birth journey. She is your GPS
You have Postpartum?!
Postpartum? You mean depression? Postpartum Depression?!!
2 Hours on a Weekday & Then I Push
Childbirth AIN'T like the movies! Water breaks, woman screams, partner passes out, cursing, panic, and welcome baby!
As a Doula, I Do Not Support Birth
As your doula, I don't support birth.
Why This Doula LOVES Cesarean Birth
Thank goodness for cesareans!
This Is How We Doula It! Cesarean Birth
I received your call at 8:23 am, while I was pulling out of my driveway taking my son to preschool.
This is How We Doula it!
It was 1:08 am in the morning when I received your text.